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8.0 - Paycheck Reissue Process

Subject: Paycheck Reissue Process

Source: Financial Management Services

Original Date of Issue: March 2010

Date of Last Revision: August 2017

Rationale: This procedure describes the process for replacing a paper payroll check that is lost, stolen, or mutilated.


Lost, stolen, or mutilated paychecks will be replaced when authorized by the applicable campus payroll office.

The campus payroll office has the authority to determine if and when payroll checks will be immediately reissued. In general, however, if an employee is expected to continue employment with IU and there is no expectation that the university will incur a financial loss by immediate reissue, a duplicate check can be immediately written after notification is received from Cash Control that the stop payment order has been placed with the bank in accordance with the following steps:

  1. The department or campus payroll office uses Cash Control’s Stop Payment Request Workflow Form to initiate the reissue.
  2. Once initiated, Cash Control will place a stop payment order on the original paycheck with the bank, effective immediately. Cash Control will then request a reissue. Depending on the timing of the stop payment, the new check may take 2-3 business days to reissue.
  3. University Payroll will reissue the check. The check will print by the next business day.

If the employee elects to pick up the check at their campus payroll office, please indicate that on the Stop Payment Request WorkFlow Form. Bloomington and Indianapolis payroll offices can print reissued checks themselves and make them available immediately. University Payroll prints checks for regional campuses and sends them to regional campuses via overnight courier.

Key points to communicate to employees about the stop payment and reissue process:

  1. Once a stop payment/reissue process is initiated on a lost check, employees will not be able to cash the original check, even if they find it before the replacement check is issued. They must wait for the reissued check.
  2. The stop payment and reissue process can take 2-3 business days; therefore, employees will not have a new check immediately. 

Employees can pick up the reissued check in their campus payroll office.

Cross Reference:

Responsible Organization: Financial Management Services